Exclusive in radiocable.com: The Spanish government executes the plan to provide one laptop per child in primary school
They are looking to revolutionize the education system in our country. The final objective in this new plan by Zapatero�??s government is to have every primary student at the disposal of a personal laptop to substitute the books and notebooks.
A whole new revolution for professors, even though is not just for them. The project -as far as radiocable.com has been informed- is of great importance and implies the entire industry, the informative -the participants in the conversations include Intel, and Microsoft- like Banca, and the operators in telecommunications- Vodafone-. In previous meetings held for months in the Ministry of Education and businesses, even Editorials are in the loop, for they will have to digitalize their books.
Its application will be produced step-by-step, only in a few primary courses, and it is foreseen to begin next school year. The final objective is that all primary students will have access to one.
The plan, was executed by Minister Mercedes Cabrera, and it should be financed by the government and the autonomous communities. Now it works in that aspect, the financials, negotiating prices with the manufacturers.
The idea appears to be inspired from the Negroponte plan, One laptop per child, who developed $100 laptops to provide to children in underdeveloped countries with access and knowledge of informational technologies as a form of modern education.