�??Cesar, Augustus, Princeps�?� remember, you are mortal.�?�

It does not matter that you are the first black man to enter the White House. Nor does it matter that you are making a turn in modern history.


Fernando Berlín the author of this blog, is the director of Radiocable.com and participates in various media in Spain.

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Those who should be your critics admire you, while your admirers idolize you. It is also not important that they have prepared the most ambitious and expensive coronation in history. Not is it important that you have been able to surpass the powerful rival Hillary Clinton. Or that you have dethroned one of the most hated man in the world�??s.

In this moment the entire world bows to you. Hundreds of thousands of people have there expectations on you, knowing that you will take on the most powerful position in the world. And so do you.

But none of that is important, your name could be Obama, Gonzalez, Martinez, or Garcia because when you have to swear to take charge, even if you are accompanied by all of those gallants, you or the judge goes and commits a mistake and fall into the hands of error. And the soiree fails, is ok, is an anecdote and of course it doesn�??t have any relevancy.

It was small, an unappreciated second during the inauguration, which he attempted to solve with a smile to demonstrate to the world his and the judges humanity. But probably that second will mockingly follow him for the entire evening, for his entire life. There, in person, he was watched by 4 million people and here in Spain he was watched by nonetheless 52% of the audience, six and a half million Spaniards. There was more than 21 million computers following via CNN.com! And we are still waiting for the world data.

This post is not really dedicated to Obama. It is dedicated to the human kind. That complex specie, with some many facets, that demonstrates time after time that perfection is an unnatural concept, an inhuman one, and so unpredictable.

Dear Obama, failure always looks into the most desirable perfection. Do not haste perfection. Remember that you are human.

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