Enrique Dans nos descubre un artículo de THE ECONOMIST «que proporciona abundantes datos acerca del nuevo ecosistema económico» que se está creando en el videojuego Secondlife

Resulta que los principales emprendedores virtuales obtienen ya rendimientos en torno a los $200.000 mediante las 230.000 transacciones de objetos virtuales de todo tipo desarrolladas en Linden dollars, intercambiables por dinero de verdad. Este año se estima una valoración económica o «PIB» de Second Life de alrededor de los sesenta millones de dólares. Un mundo virtual paralelo con economía real.

The company “Radiocable en Internet S.L”. obtains its finance and resources through: – spanish production and sales for radio, press, television, mobiles and Internet – advise, planification and growth of projects and integral initiatives in new platforms – publicity / sponsorships in our web page RadioCable.com is a medium of communication that provides various spaces for advertisers and sponsors.

Here one can buy banner and advertisement spaces. Some of our pages also include Google´s Adwords. We also provide free of charge support to solitary campaigns and initiatives for NGOs and organizations that initiate activities for development.

An example of conventional advertisements: A flashing square of 146*148px positioned on the right column, which will have 40,000 to 50,000 viewers. The cost is of 1,000 euros/after tax/monthly, at the bottom of the webpage and of 1800 on the top of the webpage.

An example of Sponshorship: We offer other services. A 418*53 px banner in one of the special sections, will have a similar cost. There will be less visits but the target will be very defined. The price is between 800 to 1500 euros monthly, in function to the presence the client solicits.

Something we also like: RadioCable.com advises and develops projects and special actions to help businesses amplify and/or better their internet presence, in the virtual world, and new supporters We are also especially interested in those companies that permit us to provide ideas and design projects with ends that clearly meet a social goal: of help for progression, integration, the battle against inequality, of encouragement towards values of respect, dialogue

What we do not do: Radiocable.com and its editorial enterprise Radiocable in Internet SL has a strict code of ethics that limits our activities and our content. With the end to defend credibility, Radiocable.com does not execute reports about products or services.

This station does not charge for the publication of news; it separates information from advertising and sponsorships and without any condition accepts or asks for money to stop publicizing any sort of news. Radiocable.com rejects all media that has created from all the extortion a new informative method.

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Radiocable.com has extracted in 8 points the philosophy that marks the editorial line.

Radiocable.com is after a progressive, idealistic and more solidarity society.

Radiocable.com publishes information about actuality with the intention to improve and expand that which the citizens receive. A well informed society is a nonconformist and righteous one.

Radiocable.com is committed to publicizing honorable, courageous, sincere, trustable and contrasting information. Because of it, it enables the readers to access the accredited journalists.

Radiocable.com does not reject the economy or globalization but it does oppose to those who defend an unbalanced and unjust globalization. In the same way, this medium defends the respect of the local identities and critics those authorities that consider organizations before people or the environment.

Radiocable.com commits in giving coverage to activities of ecological groups and NGOs. And also to initiatives that raise society consciousness about the necessity to introduce new ethics based on peace, the respect for the environment, solidarity and integration.

Radiocable.com does not publicize the justification of attacks against the animal world even if it deals with traditions that are socially accepted. In its effect, this medium is compromised to be a critic of the topic, with the conclusion of showing society that, even in its cultural traditions, the pain provoked is unjustifiable.

Radiocable.com does not publicize sensationalists contents or those known as social or of gossip.

With the end to defend credibility, Radiocable.com does not execute reports about products or services. This station does not charge for the publication of news; it separates information from advertising and sponsorships and without any condition accepts or asks for money to stop publicizing any sort of news. Radiocable.com rejects all media that has created from all the extortion a new informative

Radiocable.com ha concentrado en 8 puntos
el ideario que marca la línea editorial

Radiocable.com persigue una sociedad de progreso, idealista y más solidaria.

Radiocable.com publica información de actualidad con la intención de mejorar y ampliar aquella que reciben los ciudadanos. Una sociedad bien informada es una sociedad inconformista y más justa.

Radiocable.com se compromete a publicar una información honrada, valiente, veraz, fiable y contrastada. Por ello adquiere el compromiso de hacer que los lectores accedan a periodistas cuya solvencia esté acreditada.

Radiocable.com no rechaza ni la economía ni la globalización pero sí se opone a quienes defienden una globalización que sea desequilibrada e injusta. De la misma forma este medio defiende el respeto a las identidades locales y será crítico con aquellos poderes que consideren a las organizaciones por encima de las personas o el medio ambiente.

Radiocable.com se compromete a dar cobertura a las actividades de grupos ecologistas y ong´s. así como a iniciativas que traten de concienciar a la sociedad de la necesidad de introducir una nueva ética basada en la paz, el respeto al medio ambiente, la solidaridad y la integración.

Radiocable.com no difunde notas que justifiquen los atentados contra el mundo animal aunque se trate de tradiciones socialmente aceptadas. A tal efecto, este medio, tiene el compromiso de ser crítico con los mismos, con el fin de hacer ver a la sociedad que, aún siendo tradiciones culturales, nunca justifican el dolor que provocan.

Radiocable.com no difunde contenidos sensacionalistas ni tampoco aquellos conocidos como «sociales» o de «prensa rosa».

Con el fin de defender la credibilidad, Radiocable.com separa información de publicidad y bajo ningún concepto pide ni acepta dinero por dejar de publicar noticia alguna. Igualmente Radiocable.com rechaza a aquellos medios que han hecho de la extorsión una fórmula informativa.